Make your Own Hapcha Tags

Hapcha Tags are a really quick way to share lots of nutritional information with family, friends and customers. Our Open Source technology makes it posisble for you to store a product’s nutritional details in a QR code which when scanned by someone shows them all that information. If the user scans the Tag in the Hapcha app, they can also quickly add it to their meals! Get started by generating your firs Hapcha Tags below.

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Feed What Matters

Hapcha is the food app designed to find balance in the foods you eat everyday, so you can get all the nutrition you need from the foods you enjoy eating. Working alongside our fantastic coaches, you’ll be empowered to make small changes that have a big impact and give you the energy to pursue what matters to you.

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London, EC1V 2NX,
United Kingdom

© 2023, Hapcha Ltd.